Can you solve Korean SAT math Question? – korean math Question
Hello, I’m Teacher Jojo.
I’m teaching math in Korea.
The Question we’ll attempt today is a practice question for preparing for the Korean SAT.
It’s designed for 1st-year high school students.
To solve this problem, you’ll need to have knowledge about cubic polynomials, real roots, and imaginary roots.
If you’re familiar with these concepts, give it a try!
[Korean SAT math Question]
Can you solve Korean SAT math Question? -korean math Question

I will explain the Question in English.
Let a, b, and c be three real numbers. P(x) satisfies the following conditions:
(a) The cubic equation P(x) = 0 has one real root and two distinct imaginary roots. The product of the two distinct imaginary roots is 5.
(b) The cubic equation P(3x-1) = 0 has one real root at 0 and two distinct imaginary roots. The sum of the two distinct imaginary roots is 2.
What is the value of a + b + c\;?
Let’s think about it carefully.
The solution is written below.
If you’ve solved it, you can check the solution provided below.
First, let’s denote the three roots of the cubic equation as \alpha, \beta, and \; \gamma.
\alpha is the real root, and we assume \beta and \gamma are two distinct imaginary roots.
According to condition (a), the product of \beta and \gamma is 5.
{\color{red}\beta\gamma = 5}
It’s important to use condition (b) effectively.
You need to consider the roots of P(3x-1)=0.
Let’s denote these roots as \alpha, \beta, \gamma.
We know that the roots of P(x)=0 are \alpha, \beta, \gamma.
Therefore, for x to make P(3x-1)=0 true,
we have 3x-1 = \alpha, 3x-1 = \beta, 3x-1 = \gamma.
Understanding this is crucial to solving the problem.
In conclusion, we can say that the roots of P(3x-1)=0 are \cfrac{\alpha+1}{3}, \cfrac{\beta+1}{3}, \cfrac{\gamma+1}{3}.
Here, \cfrac{\alpha+1}{3} is the real root, while \cfrac{\beta+1}{3}, \cfrac{\gamma+1}{3} are imaginary roots.
Condition (b) stated that one root is 0, which means \cfrac{\alpha+1}{3}=0.
It was also mentioned that the sum of the two distinct imaginary roots is 2,
so \cfrac{\beta+1}{3}+\cfrac{\gamma+1}{3}=2.
{\color{blue}\cfrac{\alpha+1}{3}=0, \; \cfrac{\beta+1}{3}+\cfrac{\gamma+1}{3}=2}
When we calculate and simplify,
{\color{red}\alpha=-1, \beta+\gamma=4}
Now, we’re almost done.
If we denote the three roots of the cubic equation as \alpha, \beta, \gamma, we can use these three roots to form a cubic equation with a leading coefficient of 1.
{\color{red}\alpha=-1,\; \beta+\gamma=4,\;\beta\gamma=5}
\alpha\beta+\beta\gamma+\gamma\alpha = \alpha(\beta+\gamma)+\beta\gamma=(-1)\times4+5=1
a=-3, b=1, c=5
{\color{red}a+b+c = 3}
How did you find today’s Question?
Did you manage to solve it and get the correct answer?
If you did, great job! It means you have a good understanding of cubic equations.
If you didn’t get it right, that’s okay too. You can study more and try again next time.
That’s it for today.
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[Korean ver]
안녕하세요. 저는 한국에서 수학을 가르치고있는 조조쌤입니다.
오늘은 수학 모의고사 문제를 가지고왔습니다.
고등학교 1학년 문제입니다.
이 문제는 삼차방정식, 실근, 허근 이런것들을 알아야 풀수있는 문제입니다.
한번 도전해보시겠습니까?

천천히 풀어보세요.
다 풀었다면 아래 풀이와 비교해보세요.
우선, 삼차방정식의 세 근을 \alpha, \beta, \gamma라고 설정합니다.
\alpha 는 실근, \beta , \gamma는 서로 다른 두 허근.
조건(가)에 따르면, \beta 와 \gamma의 곱은 5입니다.
{\color{red}\beta\gamma = 5}
조건(나)가 중요합니다.
P(3x-1)=0 이 성립하게하는 x 를 생각해야합니다.
우리는 P(x)=0의 근이 \alpha, \beta, \gamma. 라고 했습니다.
그러므로 P(3x-1)=0 을 성립하게 하는 x 를 찾을때, 이렇게 생각해야합니다.
{\color{green} 3x-1 = \alpha,\; 3x-1 = \beta,\; 3x-1 = \gamma}
P(3x-1) = P( \alpha ) = 0 라는것을 이해한다면 문제는 다 풀었습니다.
따라서 P(3x-1)=0 을 만족하는 x 는,
\cfrac{\alpha+1}{3}, \cfrac{\beta+1}{3}, \cfrac{\gamma+1}{3}.
\cfrac{\alpha+1}{3} 는 실근, \cfrac{\beta+1}{3}, \cfrac{\gamma+1}{3}는 허근입니다.
조건 (나)에서 한 실근은 0 이므로,
또 서로 다른 두 허근의 합은 2라고 했습니다.
{\color{blue}\cfrac{\alpha+1}{3}=0, \; \cfrac{\beta+1}{3}+\cfrac{\gamma+1}{3}=2}
계산을 하여 간단하게 하면,
{\color{red}\alpha=-1, \beta+\gamma=4}
이제 거의 다 풀었습니다.
세 근을 알 때, 삼차방정식을 만들수가 있습니다.
{\color{red}\alpha=-1,\; \beta+\gamma=4,\;\beta\gamma=5}
\alpha\beta+\beta\gamma+\gamma\alpha = \alpha(\beta+\gamma)+\beta\gamma=(-1)\times4+5=1
a=-3, b=1, c=5
{\color{red}a+b+c = 3}
오늘의 문제는 어땠나요? 어려웠나요?
어려웠으리라 생각됩니다.
만약 이것이 쉬웠다면, 당신은 수학 짱.
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